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5 Jun 2018

Man Takes Poison After Class Eight Girl Was Found Locked In His House


A 23-year-old man is fighting for his life at the Longisa County Referral Hospital in Bomet after poisoning himself. Nelson Kipsang Rono was busted keeping a Class Eight girl, 16, in his house.

He attempted suicide after the discovery. The girl had disappeared from home for four days.

Information about the pupil at Lelkatet Primary School being locked up at the man’s house was disclosed to Kimuchul Location chief Joseph Korgoren by angry neighbours.

The chief mobilized area residents, who raided the man’s house and found the minor locked up.

It is believed the suspect abducted the girl.

Rono escaped from the scene, rushed to a nearby market, bought; and took poison.

Rono was found lying unconscious on the roadside. He was rushed to hospital for medical attention.

Police say they will charge Rono in court once investigations are concluded.

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