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22 Jun 2018

Mt Kenya billionaire chased out of Muthaiga Golf Club for urinating in public

A Kiambu billionaire has lost his bid to stop Muthaiga Country Club from expelling him over an incident where he urinated in public and insulted staff while under the influence of alcohol.

The exclusive Muthaiga Country Club kicked out Stephen Mbugua Mwagiru, whose family land hosts the multibillion Tatu City in Kiambu, over gross violation of its rules.
Mwagiru has spent the past six years in the corridors of justice seeking to overturn Muthaiga Club’s decision.
The high-end member’s club told the court that in April 2012, Mwagiru showed up at their restaurant at midnight and demanded for food.
playA file photo of Stephen Mbugua Mwagiru, a shareholder and one of Tatu City’s founders (Nation)

He was, however, informed that the restaurant was closed but the heavily intoxicated businessman was reported to have responded with insults.
The staff at Muthaiga further told the court that Mwagiru urinated in the restaurant’s corridor claiming that the toilets were too far, and later started tearing chits from the Christmas box and proceeded to abuse staff with obscenities.
After the disturbance, the club demanded their wealthy member to resign or his membership would be terminated.
The termination was eventually actualised in 2013 after which Mwagiru moved to the High Court to challenge the process of removing him – having been a member since 2004.

He initially lost at the High Court and later proceeded to the Court of Appeal where his case has now been dismissed.
A three-judge bench at the Court of Appeal directed the Kiambu businessman to pay the costs of the suit, both in the Appeal and the High Court.
Muthaiga Club is one of the most exclusive membership clubs and boasts of prominent members including former President Mwai Kibaki who is a long serving patron of the golf club.

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