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6 Jun 2018

The Special Request Ann Ngirita Made in Court


43 suspects charged in court over the National Youth Service (NYS) scandal on Wednesday afternoon made a special request to be given biscuits and water.

They explained through their lawyers that they had not eaten since Tuesday night.

“How can we follow these proceedings when we are hungry? We are starving," Ann Ngirita who is among the suspects told the press.

The court, however, dismissed the request in the pre-trial conference.

The suspects further sought to have the session adjourned arguing that the prosecution had not yet provided them with all the necessary documents.

Defense lawyers maintained that this was tantamount to denying the suspects their right to a fair trial.

On Monday, Chief Magistrate Douglas Ogoti denied them bail following a request for the same.

Ogoti directed that the suspects stay in remand until conclusion of the trial, explaining that the offenses they were charged with were quite serious.

He noted that the economic crimes they were linked to could have a detrimental impact on the financial health of a nation.

The magistrate further asserted that plunder of public resources was tantamount to denying citizens their fundamental rights.

Defense lawyers including Cliff Ombeta had argued that bail is a constitutional right.

DISCLAIMER :The Views, Thoughts, And Opinions Expressed In This Article Belong Solely To The Kenyans, And Not Necessarily To The Author’s Employer, Organization, Committee or The Evening Post.

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