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25 Jul 2018

Photos of Lisa Gaitho; the blogger who wants women to wash their men in bid to get money, favours


Nigeria-based Kenyan vlogger Lisa Gaitho has advised women to do everything they can to get what they want from men – be it financial or material resource.

Of course, the advice has drawn sharp criticism from online users, who are pro-women empowerment.

Ms Gaitho says despite having her own money, she still relies on men to finance her lifestyle.

“Yes, I am independent; I have my money; I work; I get a salary. But, can I afford my lifestyle? No. Let us just be honest. Can I afford to fly up and down, and visit all the amazing places? No. Can I afford to buy certain things? No. I can’t afford my lifestyle; I am not going to lie. But, does that mean that I am not going to have a good lifestyle simply because I want to show people that I can do it on my own? No,” she said in her latest vlog titled: ‘How to get what you want from your man’.

“Eventually, I’d want to be able to take my family on a vacation and be able to pay for it by myself, but I am not yet there. So, saying that I shouldn’t rely on a man to do certain things… I won’t lie; I am going to rely on a man to take me to nice places. So, if it is one, two or three things that I must do to make him happy and make him feel that he needs to reciprocate, guess what… I would do that which he wants me to do, and I would do it very, very well,” said Ms Gaitho.

“For example, if he wants to take his bath, go and wash him, literally; scrub him, do not let him do anything by himself. Wash him, clean his ears… clean his… [Do it] like you would to a baby. Dry him, apply body lotion on him, dress him…,” said the vlogger.

“Tell me if you won’t go out with that man that day and he won’t get you something, or he won’t put some money in your account… or he won’t think of you on a random day and buy you a bag or new shoes…,” said Ms Gaitho.

Other money-generation tips for women to embrace, according to Ms Gaitho, include: cooking and feeding men, praising and respecting them.

Ms Gaitho’s advice rubbed a section of online users the wrong way.

Qristin101 said: “In summary, be a duster and get paid? Ladies work for your own so that you won’t have to wash men to live a good life.”

King Laina said: “You [Ms Gaitho] must be so comfortable with your man to do this video. I’m just concerned.”

Just Rose said: “You always have a point to prove with this Nigerian man. Spend less time vlogging about this facade and more time visiting a psychiatrist. Your deeply rooted issues are showing Gaitho.”

Sammy Kikwai said: “This is why I want to provide for my daughter. If my daughter made such a video, then I would have failed my job as a parent.”

Beth Adhiambo said: “And who is going to speak your language when you are busy speaking his? And when you get your own children, who do you wash first? Nothing here makes sense.”

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