President Uhuru Kenyatta on Tuesday made a rare gesture by reaching out to one of his fiercest critics - law scholar Prof Makau Mutua.
President Kenyatta’s message was delivered by his newly found ally ODM leader Raila Odinga, who was the chief guest at the opening ceremony of Kitui Villa - a new hotel owned by Prof Mutua.
“When I was coming here, I told President Kenyatta that I was coming to open Makau’s hotel and he told me to tell him to stop being too critical,” Odinga said of the President’s message.
This is the first time that President Kenyatta has gone on record in reaching out to Prof Mutua who has in the past five years refused to acknowledge the Jubilee leader’s legitimacy.
In his public commentary, the veteran human rights activist stated that he would never recognize Kenyatta as President, always referring to the head of state as “Mr Kenyatta”.
"In 2013, I refused to recognize Uhuru Kenyatta as President of the Republic of Kenya. The 2017 shambolic elections confirmed the illegitimacy. I can’t — and won’t — recognize Uhuru Kenyatta as PORK," he said last year.
He has, however, supported the recent handshake deal made between the President and the former Prime Minister – who is also Mutua’s personal and political ally.