Nasa flagbearer Raila Odinga on Monday renewed calls to
voters to abstain from sex on the eve of the general election set to take place
on August 8.
He likened the election to a war, saying that sex before the
day warriors go to battle is a bad omen that could result in defeat.
“We are going into a war and we must fully conserve our
energies before the day of battle which is August 8. None of us should have sex
on the eve of the polls,” he said.
Speaking at Homa Bay on July 17, he asked men to abstain
from sex, saying it would result in some of them failing to vote on August 8.
Mr Odinga further called on women not to consent to sexual
intercourse with their lovers on August 7.
“All women should deny their husbands conjugal rights on the
eve of voting. This will ensure that we wake up early to vote and remain
vigilant throughout the day until the results are tallied and announced,” said
Mr Odinga in dholuo.
Raila Odinga, to whom the August 8 election is crucial, has
repeatedly asked married supporters not to have sex a day before.Mr Odinga told
supporters in Kakamega during the official launch of Nasa campaigns on June 3
to wait until after the election to enjoy celebratory sex.
“Dear ladies, tell your men to hold their horses until after
the election and then you can have sex to celebrate our victory,” he said to
the amusement of the crowd.
He also made the call during a June 23 campaign tour of
Bumula, Sirisia, and Cheptais in Bungoma County.
Revisiting the bedroom topic, the presidential candidate
told Homa Bay residents on Monday that they should only have intercourse only
after results are announced.
Chieng cha en odichieng mapek. Chieng no onge nindo. Jowuoyi nindo mana
oko. Wang’ni adwaro ka chieng’ go ombulu chiegni to onge ngama nindo gi ng’ama
dhako; he said in Dholuo.
(August 8 will be a momentous day and no vote will be left
without being cast. Young men will sleep outside the house. When the day comes,
no man should sleep with a woman.)
Raila urged his supporters to wake up early and desist from
activities likely to distract them from voting, saying that even the thought or
suggestion of sex was taboo.
Ka osudo iri to kiki ing’iye, kone ni wuon ng’ane kiny
wanindo gi lweny kiny ne watim gino ka waseyudo telo
This translates to If he moves closer to you, don’t even
look at him. Tell him we have a war to fight. Let us have intercourse after we
get the presidency.
Mr Odinga is not the first politician in the country to link
the granting of conjugal rights with the election.
During the recently concluded mass voter registration
exercise, Mombasa County Women Representative Mishi Mboko urged women in
opposition strongholds to deny men sex if they don’t register to vote in the
upcoming election.
Ms Mboko urged women to deny their spouses conjugal rights
to force them to register to vote during the exercise that kicked off on
January 16.
Speaking at the Jomo Kenyatta showground at Mkomani in
Mombasa where she issued cheques to women and youth self-help groups, Ms Mboko
said sex was a powerful weapon to make reluctant men rush to register as voters
The fiery women rep said sex was a powerful weapon to make
reluctant men rush to register as voters.
As women who are committed Nasa supporters, this is the
strategy you should adopt. It is the best since quick and effective results are
guaranteed. Deny them sex until they show you their voter’s card, Mboko was quoted
as saying on January 17.
She however absolved her husband of the sex ban as he had already
registered as a voter.
My husband already knows his patriotic duty as a citizen
determined to effect change through the election and has already registered to
vote. He will be spared the boycott, she said.
Ms Mboko said it had reached a point for women to use sex to
push their spouses into taking the countrywide voter registration seriously if
the opposition hoped to oust Jubilee from power in the forthcoming polls.
“Sex is a strong weapon and if we deny the men in our area,
I’m sure many will go and register as they cannot survive without it,” she
n to
use sex to push their spouses into taking the countrywide voter registration
seriously if the opposition hoped to oust Jubilee from power in the forthcoming
<p>“Sex is a strong weapon and if we deny the men in
our area, I’m sure many will go and register as they cannot survive without
it,” she added.