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27 Jul 2017

Here Are The Shocking Academic Qualifications Of First Lady Margaret Kenyatta,Ida Odinga And Rachel Ruto.

The First Lady Margaret Kenyatta, wife to Deputy President Rachel Ruto and Raila’s wife Ida Odinga are arguably the most powerful women in the country today.

These outstanding women are not just wives to powerful politician running the country but also very influential and strong personalities.

They are educated, empowered and contributed a lot in the society. Well these women might have different ideologies, achievements and characters but one thing they have in common is their teaching backgrounds.
First lady Margaret Kenyatta graduated from Kenyatta University with a Bachelor of Education degree.

William Ruto’s wife ,Rachael also happens to be a Kenyatta University alumni,where she graduated with a Bachelors degree in Education in the 1990s.

Raila Odinga’s wife Ida, on the other hand went to the University of Nairobi where she met her husband, who was a lecturer there.
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