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8 Aug 2017

Huddah Opens Up About Ex Who Forced Her To Enlarge Breasts.

Socialite Huddah Monroe says she regrets enlarging her breasts, claiming that she was pushed into doing it by her ex-boyfriend.

The former big brother Kenyan representative, who now describes herself as ‘Bad Girl Gone Good’, says she spent more than Sh1 million ($10,545) on the breast augmentations.

However, according to the high flying petite 26-year-old, going under the knife was out of love for a man she once “truly loved”.

They have since broken up.

Speaking recently on Talk Central, Huddah said: “In our family, we don’t have big breasts; they are all flat or rather small, but again I’m very confident with myself. However, I was dating somebody, the person who made me change so much and he was like ‘this is what I like’ (big breast). And for me I felt like if I get my king I will do anything to please him. I had never thought about changing anything on my body but this guy was like I love big breasts and because I loved this person, I decided to do it. We later broke up after eight months when now he wanted me to do a butt job,

because I realized this guy was emotionally destroying me. Never do something to please a man.”
It is one decision among others , she regrets and has vowed never to repeat it especially this time she is trying hard to transition from a socialite to a respectable entrepreneur.

“I made this decision to transform two years ago that’s why you will never see me posting again pictures of my ass like before. That was me then a girl now I’m transforming into a lady. And this is why I really get pissed off when people keep referring me as a socialite because it’s like they really don’t see how hard I’m trying to transform,” she added.

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