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21 Aug 2017

I Just Cheated On My Husband And I Have Fallen In Love With My Mpango Wa Kando,’ Confesses Born Again Woman

A born again Christian has left social media users in shock after she revealed that she cheated on her husband.

The bold woman narrated how she had sex with another man and she has since then fallen in love with him and can’t stop thinking about him.

“I Just Cheated On My Husband And Look At Me Here Looking So Innocent And Even Led The Night Prayer. I Feel So Guilty But This Other Man Is Still In My Head Like I See Him Where Ever With My Eyes Open. You All Won’t Belive I Even Prayed For Him In Our Family Prayer This Night.
His Sex Game Is So Good. How Do I Get Him Out Of My Mind, He Will Be With His Family Too, Would He Be Thinking Of Me? I Am Still Looking At His Pix On His Page, I Don’t Know What Is Happening To Me, I Love My Husband I Really Do. Look At Him Calling Be A Virtuous Woman Of Christ. If Only He Knew I Just Slept With Another Man.”

Here are some of the pieces of advice from social media users
Connie: Teach your husband what he needs to know…don’t break your home
Victor: People no longer respect their marital vows.. And this is sad.. I hope you get caught. Evil woman.
Lee: What is happening? The rate at which married woman cheat these days is alarming.
Sarah: I’m tired of married women these days.
Hellen: Thank God you feel guilty about this then put a stop to it. The Bible says resist the devil and he will flee.
Ann: Praying for your lover for your husband to say amen. You thunder is coming! Customised just for you.
Ochy: I don’t even know what to say. All that glitters is not gold. God help us.
Romeo: That’s what happens when a regular side chick finally becomes a wife.
Lina: This is why women shouldn’t cheat because when women cheat, emotions get in the way and they become attached. Unlike men who can get more p*** than toilet seats and still get on their business like nothing happened. Sorry, pray dear.
Jacque: The worst in this is you not having the fear for God, respect for your family. You just sick confused and when reality strikes you won’t have peace
Abdi: She prayed for another woman’s d***..May God forgive you

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