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31 Jan 2018

Royal Media Sacks Top Radio Editors

The Royal Media Services (RMS) has sacked three of its top editors.

The editors include Esther Macharia (head-Inooro FM), Michael Bowen (head-Chamgei FM) and Winnie Kungania (head -Muunga FM).
According to Business Today, the editors sacking is part of RMS's restructuring exercise aimed cutting costs and boosting its revenues.
playThe head Inooro FM Esther Macharia is among those sacked by the Royal Media Services. (Courtesy)

Redundancy letters

It is reported that the media house already dispatched the redundancy letters to the three editors last week on Friday.
RMS is one the largest Media Houses in Kenya and home to several radio channels with millions of audiences across the country.
playEsther Macharia the head Inooro FM. She is among those sacked by the Royal Media Services. (LinkedIn)

Vernacular broadcasting

The media house has earned popularity over the years due to the customised entertainment of its radio channels through vernacular broadcasting.
Some of the popular radio stations include Radio Citizen, Ramogi FM, Inooro FM, Musyi FM, Chamgei FM, Muuga FM, Egesa FM, Bahari FM, Mulembe FM, Wimwaro FM, Sulwe FM, Hot 96 and Vuuka FM.
The move by RMS comes barely weeks after the Nation Media Group sent home over a sizeable number of its employees including top editors and presenters in a similar restructuring programme.

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