This might sound a bit as if I’m bragging but I’m so
beautiful it’s almost ruining my life. I’m an undergraduate and have tried to
make friends with other girls at the university I attend but they don’t seem
One once asked me to a party with her friend but since then,
I haven’t had a repeat invitation. I’m pretty sure it was because a lot of the
guys at the party kept looking at me and not at them and they got jealous as a
I’ve also discovered that men seldom come up to talk to me
at parties and although everyone assumes I get asked out a lot, I don’t. It’s
really starting to annoy me.
It’s not my fault I look the way I do and I’m getting fed up
of it influencing everyone so much. Women don’t like me and men are intimidated
by me. How can I get people to focus on me and not on what I look like?
Christabel, by e-mail