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2 Aug 2017

Kilimani Mums Uncensored!! This Is The Lady Who Makes Men Get Stuck Inside Her ‘Nunu’ For 8 Minutes After Every Intercourse[PHOTOS]

You have probably heard about them or eavesdropped on their convos. They are found on perhaps the most interesting online community, where women who are otherwise prim and proper out there, go to vent, gossip and seek advice about anything and everything.

It  has no dull moment and many are the women who are hooked to its juicy content. The posts are funny, rambunctious and bold. You can even say some are careless, stupid, vulgar even. But amidst all this is feminine wisdom and camaraderie that is so addictive.

Well today, a woman who experiences penis captivus, that makes men get stuck inside her for 8 minutes after each intercourse, cries out… See this post Kisumu Men please do something.

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