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2 Aug 2017

Woman Caught On Tape Spiking Man’s Drink In Pub – VIDEO

A video clip has emerged online showing a woman spiking a man’s drink inside a pub at an undisclosed location.

The undated video, from a clip captured by CCTV installed inside the pub, shows a woman seated next to a man in what appears to be a pub counter.

She proceeds to open her handbag before taking something out and placing her handbag next to the man's glass of drink.

But then she seems to drop it on the floor forcing her to step down from her seat and frantically search for it on the floor.

At this point, her victim, without knowing what is happening, turns around and looks at her oblivious of her intentions.Having found it, the woman returns to her seat as her target continues chatting with his companion on the bar counter.

The woman then looks around to see if anyone is watching her before she drops whatever she has inside her target's bottle of beer.

Nairobi News could not establish what transpired thereafter.

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