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29 Sept 2017

Babu Owino's Daring Message To President Uhuru Kenyatta After Being Released

File image of President Uhuru Kenyatta, DP William Ruto and Babu Owino

Hours after being released, Embakasi East MP Babu Owino has now continued his attacks against President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Addressing the press on Thursday evening, Owino told the President to compete with people on similar level and stop intimidating him.

The newly elected legislator, dared the Head of State to compete with him for the Embakasi East parliamentary seat if he was unable to face Opposition leader Raila Odinga.

"Bwana Uhuru Kenyatta, kama umeshindwa na siasa na rika yako, kuja Embakasi East nikunyoroshe asubuhi na mapema," the ODM MP stated.

Loosely translated, "Mr Uhuru Kenyatta, if you are unable to politick with your agemates, come to Embakasi East so that I can defeat you early in the morning."

The legislator was arrested on Monday after insulting remarks against the President's family.
Shortly after being released on Wednesday, he was re-arrested again outside the milimani law courts.

It would later emerge that he was nabbed and charged with violence after harassing a voter on August 8 and was freed on a Sh200, 000 cash bail or Sh500,000 bond.

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