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29 Sept 2017

Straight Out Of Police Cell, Babu Owino Responds To MIke Sonko's Jibe

Embakasi East MP Paul Ongili aka Babu Owino (left) and Nairobi governor Mike Sonko. PHOTOS | NATION

Embakasi East Member of Parliament Paul Ongili aka Babu Owino has responded to Nairobi governor Mike Sonko’s unprintable insults.

Speaking to residents of Kibera shortly after his release from police custody on Thursday evening, Babu told off Sonko in equally foul language.

Sonko was this week caught on camera hurling insults at the first time MP for allegedly insulting President Uhuru Kenyatta.

In his rejoinder, the controversial legislator told Kibera residents that he is a father of two aspiring to sire three more children hence should not be disrespected by Sonko.

He went on to thank all Nasa supporters who camped at Kibera Law courts where he had been arraigned for causing grievous harm to a voter on election day.

“We will never relent, we shall never relent, we are not going to relent and we must never relent because the power of the people is stronger than the power of the State House,” he said.

The MP added that he is ready to be jailed saying his ideologies will not cease when he is locked up.
“Hii vita ni ya watoto wetu wanaokuja hapo usoni kwa hivyo tusisurrender,” Babu said.

During the impromptu Kibera rally Nasa, leaders led by Siaya Senator James Orengo, said they will not accept any electoral changes by the Jubilee party and that if they use their numbers in the National Assembly the country will have no elections.

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