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5 Sept 2017

City Pastor Prays For Uhuru Kenyatta As He Reveals How Black Magic Is Used To Finish Him

City pastor Godfrey Migwi seems to be very keen with politics and all that has been happening in the country judging from his recent posts on Facebook.

A few hours ago he shared a post that has left Kenyans on his Facebook talking as he claims that President Uhuru is apparently being brought down using black magic.

This is however not the first time he has shown his concern towards President Uhuru Kenyatta. Before the general elections he predicted that Uhuru would win with 55% of the votes, something that came to pass.

In his post he prayers against the witchcraft targeting the president and asks Kenyans to join him in prayers since that is the only thing that can save the president and his ministers.
But for now he seems convinced that Kenya needs prayers as a Nation hoping that the powers of black magic will not harm the sitting president.
Here is what he posted on his Facebook page:

“Good Evening Prayer Warriors
Urgent Prophetic Revelation From God To His Bride Who Are Standing In The Gap On Behalf Of This Nation

 This Evening When I Was Praying 9pm Prayersdaily, Instantly In My Spirit I Knew There Was Something Our Father Wanted To Reveal To His Minor Prophet Like Hagai Or Zephania The Duo And Others Like Jonah Were Most Likely Unknown Prophets Even They Were/Are Called Minor But God Still Used Them, There Those Who Were/Are Called Major Prophet’s Like Isaiah Or Ezekiel In The Bible, Ok My Point After A Lot Of Prayer And Intercession, This Was The Revelation

 My Children Have Done Well Praying For The Nation Of Kenya. I Have Put An Impenetrable Shield Of My Anointing Over Kenya And Those Who Serve The Witchcraft Have Realized This. Nothing They Are Doing Is Penetrating. They Have Therefore Shifted Their Focus From Arising Against Kenya To Arising Against The President. The President Is Exposed And They Are Sending Fiery Missiles Against Him. The Lord Took Me To The President In The Spirit And I Was Able To See A Devastated Man. A Man Who Felt God Is Not With Him. A Man Who Is Very Angry With Prophesy And The Church Because His Heart Is Broken By The Supreme Court Ruling. He Has No Strength To Campaign Or Do Good Any More And Feels Everything He Has Done Is Not Appreciated. I Asked God But Where Are The Men And Women Of God Who Normally Go With Him And The Lord Showed Me The Presidents Phone Ringing. He Showed Me Names Of Priests In The Nation Trying To Call Him. But He Didn’t Answer The Calls.

Then God Gave Me This Word 1 Samuel 30:6, King David Experienced The Same Situation One Day, Let Us Read Together

“David Was Greatly Distressed Because The Men Were Talking Of Stoning Him; Each One Was Bitter In Spirit Because Of His Sons And Daughters. But David Found Strength In The Lord His God.” Israel Had Turned Against The King In Accusations And Blame And He Felt Alone. But He Encouraged Himself In The Lord.

 The Lord Instructed Me To Tell All His Children Pray For The President. All The Witchcraft That Had Been Targetted At The Nation Has Been Turned To Him. To Destroy And Even To Finish Him. Which Makes The Enemy’s Agenda Simpler To Achieve Than Trying To Come Up Against A Fortified Nation Under God. Cover Him With Intercession, Cover His Heart, Cover His Mind, Cover His Wife And Children. Ask God To Minister To Him In This “Cave” The Enemy Has Tried To Drive Him Into. God’s Decision And His Hand On Him Remains. Anointing Attracts Battles …Short Prayer Ooh God Cover The The President With Your Blood, Order His Steps And Give Him Pure Word’s To Speak To The Kenyan’s As Their President Still His Party Supporters Jublee Who Feels Robbed And Accusing Him For Being Silent And Polite Made All This But Again They Need Him Most At This Critical Time, Give Strength To Our Humble President Jehovah We Pray
Blessed Month Mr President And Encourage Yourself In The Lord, Tag Or Share To The Prayer Warriors, Shalom.”

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