In a statement released on Saturday, Mr Kiraithe claims that a section of NASA leaders is working together with foreigners to go against the Constitutional provisions.
The government is investigating an elaborate conspiracy by sections of NASA and a web of renegade foreigners to subvert the Constitution and the rule of law by sabotaging democratic Presidential Elections on 26th October 2017 or any other later date.
"The objective of the conspiracy is the capture of state power without following the imperatives of the Constitution," Mr Kiraithe begun.
The Spokesman went on to state that the Opposition has bribed and compromised members of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) as well as judges in the judiciary to facilitate the alleged takeover
He added that the conspirators are also planning to cause violence that will hinder Kenyans from voting on Election day.
According to Kiraithe, the NASA leaders have also radicalized some Kenyan tribes to ignore police directives and instead fanatically follow their commands.
The slogan Luo Lives Matter is intended to spread fear among innocent members of the Luo community and rally them behind the plotters.
"This plan also includes a vicious social media campaign to polarise Kenya by spreading false information that members of NASA leaning communities are targeted for violence in Central Kenya," he revealed.
Mr Kiraithe acknowledged that a majority of the members of the Judiciary and the IEBC are patriotic professionals, warning the compromised individuals that their pretended influence will have shameful repercussions.