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30 Oct 2017

President Donald Trump Issues Statement Moments Before IEBC Final Announcement.

US President Donald Trump.
The United States led by President Donald Trump has issued a statement on the repeat presidential Kenyan election moments before IEBC's final tally of results.

In a statement issued by the US Ambassador to Kenya Robert Godec, the US said it was profoundly concerned by the outbreaks of violence in Kenya following the October 26 election.

"Leaders and politicians should clearly and publicly reject violence and work to keep the peace, and make every effort to ensure their supporters do so as well," the statement read in part.

The US envoy welcomed the work done by some governors, religious leaders, civil society representatives, the Kenya Red Cross, and others to help keep the peace and assist those affected by the violence.

"The security services have a special responsibility to show maximum restraint in the use of force, and should use it only when there is no other choice to protect life and property.  We are deeply concerned by reports of excessive use of force by the police; we urge that all such allegations be fully investigated and any officers who have acted outside the law be held to account.  Protestors who are exercising their constitutional rights have an obligation to do so peacefully," the US statement read.
The US Government appealed for calm in the coming days calling on all Kenyans to come together at this critical moment to reject the politics of hatred and division. 

"We again urge that there be an immediate, sustained, open, and transparent national dialogue involving all Kenyans to resolve the deep divisions that the electoral process has exacerbated,"Godec reiterated.

IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati is set to declare the winner of the repeat presidential election at 3:30 pm.

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