A Kenyan man on Facebook has found himself on the wrong side of the law after stating that he will rape the top candidate of the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exams Goldalyn Kakuya.
Donald Njiru Njaaga posted disturbing messages on the infamous Kilimani Mums and Dad group suggesting that he wanted to have sexual intercourse with the little girl, who has caught the attention of the whole nation after the exemplary performance.
His social media posts stirred outrage with a section of the public calling for his arrest under the hashtag #ArrestDonaldNjiruNjaaga.
Following the public outcry the director of Public Prosecution divulged that the matter will be investigated and action taken against Njiru.
".@ODPP_KE noted and taken up the issue. We will keep the public informed about," the ODPP tweeted.
Here are the dismaying messages: