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9 Nov 2017

Kwani Ni Ya Mkopo? Bahati Busted For Failing To Pay His Car (Evidence)

Bahati reminds me of a tale I read as a child; Alice in Wonderland. You see, in that tale, the further down the rabbit hole Alice went, the further into the clutches of insanity she slipped. Last week, a businessman by the name Thuranira came forth and accused Bahati of trying to swindle him and he had evidence in tow. Bahati, in turn, denied the allegations categorically calling Benson Thuranira a deranged fan.

The controversial singer Bahati has been busted for failing to pay for his car -or rather the car he wanted. As the story goes, Bahati felt EMb needed a company car so he turned to his friend Benson, who in turn offered to sell him a Nissan Caravan on an agreement that he will pay in installments.

The agreement signed by both the singer and the seller shows that Baha agreed to buy the car worth one million and six hundred thousand.

Late payment would attract Ksh 500 per day.

The two were also supposed to start an EMB film and production company as Benson send the Barua hitmaker Ksh 200,000 to pay for the house that was supposed to be used to run the business, which Ben says Bahati refused to return the money after seeing no progress.

The singer was arrested on the Saturday of 29th October but was later released after making numerous calls to what Ben terms as ‘Big People’

Mpasho contacted Bahati who denied ever being arrested and owing Ben money.

We later called Ben who spilled the beans of how the singer has been using his money with empty promises of returning it back.

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