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6 Dec 2017

13 Common Tricks Nairobi Conmen Use To Steal From Unsuspecting Kenyans.

13 Common Tricks Nairobi Conmen Use To Steal From Kenyans

If you’ve been to most urban centers, including Nairobi, you might be well aware of the tricks conmen use to steal from unsuspecting Kenyans. Conmen are getting smarter each day as they devise new tricks of robbing you of your hard earned cash. Below are some of the most common tricks Nairobi conmen use to steal from Kenyans.

1. Watch out for passengers reading newspapers in matatus and spreading them to you or carrying large envelopes the size of x-ray envelopes and covering your laps with it or your bag.

2. Be on the lookout for guys who drop coins in a matatu and ask for your help to pick them up. While you do so your pockets or bag is being emptied without your knowledg

3. You’re in a matatu and guys shout there is a crackdown and everyone should fasten their safety belt. As you struggle to look for yours you’re being robbed of your cash and other valuables.

4. As you walk the busy streets of Nairobi some guy in front of you drops an envelope with cash and another quickly picks it up. Seeing that you saw him, he convinces you to go and share with him. You go to a corridor or a lonely street and then suddenly you find that you’re being robbed.

5. You meet a guy (s) in town pretending to be lost and asks you where the Kenya Charity Sweepstake house is. Tells you he has won 100K and even shows you a genuinely looking ticket. Then tells you unfortunately he forgot his ID at home, and asks you to go collect the money for him then you will share. But since it’s the first time you two have met, he asks you leave him some security just to be sure you’ll not run away with his “100K”. You give him your smartphone or some money only to later find out the ticket was fake and you’ve lost your valuables.

6. An old or innocent-looking lady approaches you and requests to use your phone to call someone to come pick her after arriving from ocha. Being human, you help her, the call goes through but no one picks. She thanks you and you get into a matatu. Her accomplices follow suit, and after a short while one of them shouts that his phone has been stolen. They mention the model and color, and dial the number. Your phone rings in your pocket, and before you can explain and prove the phone is yours her accomplices are already raining blows and kicks on you.

7. A guy stops you as you walk the busy streets of Nairobi, and asks for directions to a popular church, media house, children’s home or even Uhuru Park. Before you give him the directions, another guy (his accomplice) passes by and pretends to know him from the good work he does as a man of God. The “Man of God” then tells you of the problems you might be going through and offer to pray for you. They take you to an isolated place for “prayers” and you out your belongings aside. While the guy prays for you with your eyes closed, his accomplices are disappearing with your valuables.

8. You receive a message claiming “Niaje bro, nitumie ile pesa kwa hii namba 0720 xxxxxx, ile ingine iko na shida ya Mpesa”. You quickly send the money and before you can reverse they have already withdrawn from an agent and your case is closed.

9. You receive another message saying “Auntie or Uncle, motto ameumwa na nyoka. Nitumie pesa ya boda boda nimpeleke hospitali.” These are the guys from Kamiti.

10. You find guys playing cards by swapping them on a table. One is thrown down and they request you to pick. They pretend you have won and give you a reward of Ksh 200. You’re then told to play and win yourself more money, and because you’re greedy for free money you agree. These guys will swipe those cards like magicians, and all you can do is stand there helplessly as you watch your money being stolen.

11. You receive a call from someone claiming to be from Safaricom and is there to activate an Mpesa service for you that will enable you to reverse money directly without having to call Safaricom in case you sent it to a wrong number. He then tells you to go to your ATM withdrawal in your MPESA Menu and key in 555555 or 286286 and you get an authorization code which they tell you to read for them so that they can finish activating the service for you. Then they warn you that your Mpesa PIN is your secret, and at no one time should you share it with anyone not knowing that M-Pesa ATM withdrawals only require an authorization code and your number for the transaction to be successful, and that’s what you’ve given them.

12. Lastly, a beautiful lady approaches you says hi while extending her hand to shake yours. The moment you shake their hands you get confused, and you will do everything she asks you, including giving her your phone and wallet. Most M-Pesa agents in Kiambu, Nairobi and Mombasa have at one point been fleeced by such thieves.

13. Another trick conmen use to steal from Kenyans is through M-Pesa messages. You receive a message showing that you’ve received Ksh 5000 from 07xxxxxxx. Then person then calls you requesting that you to please send the money back after he/she sent to a wrong number. If you do so without confirming the authenticity of the message, you’ll find yourself losing Ksh 5000 just like that.

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