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5 Dec 2017

Blow For IEBC After Court Orders Recount Of August Votes

NASA Governor John Nyagarama has been dealt a blow after the High Court ordered for a recount of the August 8 votes.

The High Court on Monday ordered a recount of votes in 90 out of the 533 polling stations in Nyamira County.
The order came after Jubilee gubernatorial candidate Walter Nyambati filed a petition challenging the election of Nyagarama in the August 8 election.
playNyamira Governor John Nyagarama being sworn into office at Nyamira Primary School grounds on August 18, 2017. (Nation Media Group)

Presiding Judge James Makau said that he was satisfied with the evidence provided by several witnesses brought to court by Nyambati.
Nyambati, who disputed the August 8 results citing massive irregularities and illegalities, came second in the tight gubernatorial race, garnering 58,936 votes against Nyagarama’s 63,949.
In the petition, Nyambati accused IEBC and County returning officer David Towett of recruiting eight Nyamira County employees as returning officers, who in turn bungled election results in favour of Mr Nyagarama.
He claimed that in 47 out 553 polling centres in North Mugirango constituency, more votes were cast than the number of registered voters.
playNyamira county jubilee gubernatorial candidate Walter Nyambati (left) during past campaigns. (Courtesy)

He further claims there were incidences of voter bribery.
However, lawyers Gilbert Nyamweya (representing IEBC) and Mr Nyagarama’s lawyer Erastus Orina said they would challenge the ruling.
“We plead to the court to grant the defendants certified copies of this ruling. We want to make an application over the ruling,” said Mr Orina.
Judge Makau also ordered a scrutiny in the polling station where duplication or errors were made when results were being transposed from Form 37A to 37B and 37C.
He further ordered the recount of votes should be completed by December 17 and results presented to the court to enable him to make his final judgment in the case.

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