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15 Dec 2017

Final Results For Both Jubilee And NASA Nominees To EALA Are Out, Raila's Brother And Kalonzo's Son Confirmed.

The complete list and final results for the Jubilee Party and NASA coalition nominees to the East Africa Legislative Assembly (EALA) are out. The Senate had on Thursday, December 14, approved a total of 14 names of nominees to EALA from both the National Super Alliance (NASA) coalition and Jubilee Party (JP).

The National Assembly has now confirmed the names, including those of Raila Odinga's elder brother and ex-lawmaker, Oburu Oginga, and Kalonzo Musyoka's son, Kennedy Musyoka.

The Senate-approved names of the nominees from both sides of the political divide had been forwarded to the National Assembly by Speaker of the Senate Ken Lusaka. The National Assembly was to either reject or affirm the decision reached by the Senate, after which the finally list of nominees was to be released.

EALA list Below are the final results and full list of nominees to EALA: 

NASA nominees:
1. Kennedy Musyoka (309)
2. Oburu Oginga (243)
3. Abdikadir Aden (234)
4. Fatuma Ibrahim (143)

Jubilee nominees
1. Simon Mbugua (286)
2. Florence Jematia (252)
3. Mpuru Aburi (208)
4. Charles Nyachae (109)
5. Nooru Adan (192)

As reported earlier by The Evening Post, the nomination of Raila's brother and Kalonzo's son to EALA was disputed by some members within the NASA coalition and Jubilee Party leaders. A senior Ford Kenya official moved to court to challenge the list of nominees that had been submitted by NASA.

The Evening Post  gathered that Ford Kenya Assistant Secretary General Yasser Sheikh wanted the list submitted to Parliament changed.

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