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15 Dec 2017

Reasons Why Kenyan Sugar Mummies Mostly Hit On Campus Guys

In this twenty-first century, do not be taken aback to learn that your man is seeing a 35+ woman out there, just to ensure that he is financially stable to support your needs that creep in with seamless continuity. Cougars (Sugar mammies), just so you know, there are here to stay, and each day they up their game to wooing young chaps.Ever wondered why?

1.Weighted pay cheques 
 They are not struggling to gain financial freedom.Money is all they got. Moreover, they ate mentally independent. I mean, they will take you for dinner in VillaRosa Kempinski, lavish you with cash to shop for Gucci jeans in Garden City. Its a def, you won’t turn down such an expensive offer, considering your parents back in the village can only afford 2000 bob for your upkeep, and your HELB application hit the rock bottom.

2: Companionship.
Cougars are struggling with cheating spouses, substance abusing husbands and marriage failures. That young man who is less cautious, less nagging, less demanding and takes things as they happen is just what they. They are dead sure that you will cause them less trouble.From their experience, they have deduced that you got a carefree self, thus positioning themselves to dominate.

3.Sexual Prowess.
Unlike their balding sex-mates who are so worn out and out of shape, they believe that young lads are full of fresh blood and energy flowing through their veins with adventure. They believe that you can handle and give it to the best when they need it badly. It’s an automated thumb up when it comes to bed matters.

4: Good looks.
With tattoos on the arms, the fittings tops that display their six-pack, the denim jeans and Timberland for footwear, campus lads give Cougars a run for their money. Fashion intertwined with a fit body, and an engaging personality is what cougars adore.

 5: Character and Finesse.
The gentleman charm in every sense of word and integrity is what these women dig for.Remember they very bright women, experienced travelers who know what they want. They believe that campus lads can understand them best, hold their attention and last longer because they are sort of respectful.

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