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1 Dec 2017

Is Former NMG CEO Linus Gitahi Dating Sheila Mwanyigah?

Sheilah Mwanyigha and Linus Gitahi dating

Neighbours of former NTV presenter are curious if the former CEO of the group, Linus Gitahi is dating screen siren, Sheilah Mwanyigha. Linus is regularly spotted trying to sneak into Sheila’s residence along Parklands road at odd hours. Linus is a regular at the place, sneaking in at midday and leaving at around 6 or 7pm. On a few occasions, he has been spotted leaving the place in the morning.

If the two are lovers, it might have originated from the time Linus Gitahi was at NTV and he might have given her the job knowing that he was dating her or the relationship started after the musician joined NMG as a radio presenter.

Sheila is one of the most talented media personalities in the country. She previously dated rapper Prezzo who has confessed that he has never gotten over her.

Sheila is known to love sharing her “good life” with fans through her social media pages, She is seen once in a while going to the studio to record music which is known not to pay much.

Friends and former colleagues wonder how she maintains her expensive lifestyle. LG seems to take care of her.

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