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5 Dec 2017

Isaac Ruto Officially Joins Team #Resist After Being Thrown Out Of Jp Disgracefully

Mr Isaac Ruto has finally come out of the silence zone and spoke about his political views after Bomet Members of County Assembly (MCAs) have warned President Uhuru Kenyatta against rewarding former Governor Isaac Ruto with a Cabinet Secretary job.

At a press conference in Bomet on Friday, the MCAs stated that Ruto should not be rewarded because he did not support Jubilee in the August 8 election.

Led by Embomos MCA Robert Serbai, the over 20 ward representatives told President Kenyatta and his Deputy William Ruto not to consider the former governor because he faced corruption allegations.
“We all know him, He misused public funds in Bomet and residents cannot tolerate him anymore,” Serbai remarked.

Speaking from his residence, Mr Ruto has confirmed that he is still intact in the National Super alliance and still clinging to the coalition as a principal.

“Mimi siajatoka NASA na bado niko ndani” said Ruto. “As a principal in the coalition I am also entitled to the boycott in solidarity with my colleagues “he said.

He further went on to say that he preferred a low profile and was busy in his home attending to private businesses.

This comes after he was seen some months ago in a jubilee rally where he was with Uhuru and Rito together.

He however refused to wear a Jubilee uniform, claiming that he only attended the rally as a regional leader.

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