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13 Dec 2017

Lillian Muli Excites Kenyans As She Flaunts Her Pocket-Sized Booty In A Tight Backless Dress

Lillian Muli excites netizens as she flaunts her pocket-sized booty in a tight backless dress 

Lillian Muli may not have goliath behind but the little she has is making people drool like crazy. The Citizen TV anchor caused a stir when she flaunted what her mama gave her.

Lillian Muli recently presided over an event as the emcee. She rocked a tight black backless dress that brought out her fundamentals in a titillating way.

Netizens were quick to comment on Lillian Muli’s booty and dress when she shared the photo online. Most people were totally impressed by what they saw.

See the comments below:

ndolo_linda: U never go wrong with black nice dress @lilmuli

awale_adam: Mmmmmmmmh!!!!🤯🤯🤯🤯
mista_e_kenya: Hey you gotta great future behind you 🔥🔥🔥🔥😍😍😍 @lilmuli
kennficurtis: Ala ala!!Irredusable minimum seen😂😂Lil muli she be a Real cutee,napenda sana
batieno123: Jaber
geoggys: Not changing at that ass..its nice
pitz_mungas: Nice ass
chella91nineone: My eyes on the nice booty
oburajacob: Killer Ass
vickie_sammy: Lovely
dennisngaruiy: Cameraman……….
abu.young: Hizo behind ziko poa
otachidenis: Will you marry me
st_sinner: Damn we see that ass poppin @lilmuli we see it and we loving it no disrespecting though we just live how u flaunting it.. we love it big time
carldeziglesias: Damn that ass
sheroleaswan: That’s a million dollar body. Damn you look good
samuelbibu: Dats a nic lookng body
dominicsparta: Wow,sexy
beccanyoike:@lilmuli i love the dress😍😍😍

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