Uhuru is going to be the shortest serving president in the
Republic of Kenya should reports of high level strategies by Raila
Odinga bear fruits. Yesterday against the backdrop of a
Raila Odinga swearing postponement, disenfranchised Kenyans took to social
media to protest against what they termed cowardice by the NASA Principles.
Little known to many,
Raila’s effort to restore electoral justice and save ‘project’ Kenya was
finally bearing fruits, at least one step a time.
Authenticated results for the August elections show Raila
won by more than 1 million votes and now, our sources reveal those results, both
from the IEBC and OT Morpho are with the top echelon of the UN.
It is reported that Raila Odinga has made a very strong case
that pulls evidence right from the death of IEBC IT Chief Christ Msando, the
subsequent killings of Kenyans including children and the rigging that happened
in August and October
Of issue at the UN is that the Supreme Court ruling of
August cited illegalities and irregularities committed during the transmission
of results. That the IEBC failed to honor a Supreme Court ruling to provide
access to those results and that the Supreme Court let go the issue and
sanctified another election is what will get Maraga in trouble.
The results available at the UN would have been made
available at the Supreme Court should there have been tougher measures against
the IEBC officials who refused to give access 8978. And should that have
happened, Raila would have been declared winner. It is on this basis that Raila
was to have been sworn in today.
Problem with that option is that NASA was going to split the
Nation into two, a move the UN is strongly against.
Uhuru now finds himself in a huge pitfall. That authentic
results showed he lost, he subsequently had the police kill while suppressing
peaceful demonstrators, intimidated the Supreme Court justices and literally
divided the country to a point of near no-return.
The UN and Raila Odinga are expected to issue separate
statements on the way forward before Friday. Our sources however reveal the
situation does not look good for Uhuru Kenyatta. The UN is most likely to push
for his resignation amidst sanctions in place to push for credible elections.
It is however likely that Raila Odinga will be sworn in as
President of the Republic of Kenya without new elections