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15 Dec 2017

What Killed This Man,Many Of Us Drink Every Day

Dean Wharmby was a professional bodybuilder that lived an unhealthy life according to many. He would need to constantly consume at least 10,000 calories to keep his muscle mass; this included numerous meals of fast food. But what killed this man we drink every day.

Energy drinks are one of the most popular beverages sold all over the world. They give us an immediate boost when we need it and can often keep us focused as well. For Dean, he would consume two energy drinks every hour while he was working out.

Unfortunately we are not told about the hidden, unhealthy secrets that come with consuming an energy drink. The good news is that those secrets will now be revealed.

The energy drinks that Dean would consume seemed to work at the beginning, he was extremely focused and awake which was needed with the way he trained in the gym. Unfortunately things turned out bad for Dean, he was diagnosed with cancer, but this enabled him to get rid of his bad habits.

What killed this man we drink

Once the tumour began to shrink and disappear, Dean picked up hos bad habits again, which included consuming many energy drinks a day. You think he would learn, but he didn’t, and because of this doctors diagnosed him with liver cancer for a second time. The doctors told Dean that his bad habits, including the energy drinks, are what destroyed his liver and created cancer cells.

Unfortunately Dean was unable to treat or beat the cancer this time and he passed away. He left behind his wife and daughter. Remember what killed this man we drink, and it could happen to us.

What killed this man we drink

The story of Dean is a tragic one, but it does open the doors to discussion and information about energy drinks that we may not know about. Take the ingredient Niacin for example, many energy drinks contain it and it has been known to cause severe damage to the liver. In some cases it has even caused the liver to fail. An average energy drink could contain up to 40mg of Niacin. What killed this man we drink everyday, in this case it could be Niacin.

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