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24 Jan 2018

Larry Madowo Issued With Warning Letter By Nation Boss [Exclusive]

NTV reporter Larry Madowo

Celebrated journalist Larry Madowo has been issued with a warning letter by his employers at the Nation Media Group (NMG).

Sources at the Aga Khan-owned media house intimated to The Evening Post that Madowo was summoned and issued with a final warning over his criticism of his bosses.
The warning came shortly after the journalist clashed with the senior management at a staff meeting.

Madowo took on outgoing Nation CEO Joe Muganda and Editor-in-Chief Tom Mshindi over the company's editorial independence.
The passionate exchange did not go down well with Mshindi and Muganda and are reported to have interpreted it as "condescending".
We are not about disrespect.  You can’t articulate your very strong views in an unacceptable manner," Mshindi reportedly slammed Madowo.

The former Trend host was later summoned by the Editor-in-Chief in a meeting which also attended by the company's human resource manager.
It was at this meeting that the journalist was allegedly handed a warning letter and advised to change his attitude.
"It was just him, Mshindi, and the HR manager. They warned him that he would be fired if he continued with his kiherehere (rudely opinionated behavior)," our source stated.
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