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24 Jan 2018

List Of 10 Kenyan Natural Foods To Help You Last Longer In Bed (MEN AND WOMEN)

As I always say: your diet can dictate what’s going on downstairs. For the past three months, I have received several emails asking me to list some of the best natural foods in Kenya that helps one to last longer in bed. Well, there are many foods in Kenya that have helped many people to boost their Libido levels.
Remember that if even if you’re not a one-minute man, there’s nothing wrong with seeking to improve your performance in bed. So, if you are interested in lasting longer and going more rounds with your WCW or MCM, add these foods to your diet and you just might turn yourself into a beast that will be remembered for a very long time.

1.  Ginger 
Other than being a spice in the Kitchen, chewing a piece of ginger can help to spice up your bedroom skills. After chewing it, ginger will warm up your body and increases blood flow, especially towards the genital organs.

2. Garlic ( Kitunguu Saumu )
Garlic has been used by many people in Kenya for a while now despite its unpleasant odor. It works effectively to increase sex drive in women by stimulating blood flow to the genitals.

3. Avocado
Avacado contains Folic acid and Vitamin B6  which are very vital for any human being’s  healthy sex drive.

4. Pumpkin seeds
The Zinc contained in the pumpkin seeds helps to boost testosterone levels in the body.  You can learn how to prepare the pumpkin seeds here.

5.  Raw Tomatoes
Eating raw tomatoes can help calm pre-sex nerves and improve muscle control making you that bit more relaxed and making your performance better!

It contains betaine which relaxes the mind; perfect to get you in the mood! It contains high amounts of boron, which is directly related to the fast production of human sex hormones.

7. Bananas
Bananas are rich in bromelain, which boosts one’s energy during the act and also fights impotence.

8.Sweet Potatoes
They are rich in potassium, which helps to prevent high blood pressure hence reducing erectile dysfunction.

Watermelon helps to relax the blood vessels which helps to enhance your mood, so it is great to eat it before the action.

10. Guavas
They are rich in folate which helps to increase sperm count in men. This acid is also found in vegetables such as kale and spinach.

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