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24 Jan 2018

Nyeri Politicians Form WhatsApp Group ‘Gideon Moi For President’

A number of politicians from the Central region have reportedly come together to drum up support for Gideon Moi’s presidential bid in 2022.

According to the Star, the leaders have formed a WhatsApp Group named  ‘Gideon Moi for President.’ The daily adds that the group was formed on Sunday and is made up of 256 members.
A member who sought anonymity reportedly said they consider the Baringo Senator a plan “because the election of Ruto will not be automatic.”

“We are very serious on this. More is coming. We must have a Plan B because the election of Ruto will not be automatic.”

“We are against being forced into a 2022 marriage,” said the member on Monday.
Politician Steve Nderi said more strategies and alliances have started taking shape and very soon there will be delegations heading to Kabarak for meetings.

The move has been seen by some as an upset to William Ruto who is poised to take over from President Uhuru Kenyatta in 2022.

It comes after some politicians from the vote-rich Central Kenya region claimed that the region’s support for the DP’s bid will not be automatic.

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