Siaya Senator James Orengo has disclosed the one challenge National Super Alliance (NASA) principals are facing ahead of the controversial swearing in of its leaders Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka as President and Deputy President.
Speaking on the details of the private meetings the Opposition has held the past few days, Mr. Orengo divulged that they were still trying to find answers to what happens after the ceremony.
The Senior Counsel mentioned that as leaders they had acknowledged that it was an imperative to know this before going forward.
“Part of the meeting we had today, is to talk about after the swearing-in, What? And that is going to be addressed. The people and the public are going to know. This is because we do not want to act in vain, we are doing this thing as serious politicians and as people who love this country,”he said.
At the same time, the senator noted that though they had not reached a conclusion on this matter, the politics of the day must come with a resolution after the swearing-in ceremony.
He alluded that the event will be a bold political statement which will force President Uhuru Kenyatta to hold dialogue with them.
He likened the situation to that of Spain where the Opposition held an election against the ruling Government’s will, an act that forced the two parties to dialogue.
"In Spain there is a region which declared independence and called for an election, the central Government was against. Now they have been forced to talk,” he explained.
Mr. Orengo maintained that though dialogue was important, their main agenda will be to address electoral justice in the country.
He dismissed claims that there were divisions in the Opposition concerning the swearing-in noting that the leaders were united like never before.
“I can tell you if you attended some of those meetings and I was in one today. There is cordiality and particular the methodology followed and I can tell you that we always reach a conclusion. From the meeting I attended I did not get that anyone was against the swearing-in,” he said.
Orengo mentioned that though NASA is open to dialogue with Jubilee they are not begging for it.