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17 Jan 2018

Kathy Kiuna Savagely Trolled After Major Makeup Fail (PHOTOS)

Flamboyant City preacher Kathy Kiuna has come under harsh criticism from Kenyans online after posting pictures of herself flaunting her make up.

She took to Instagram to brag about what a wonderful job her makeup artists had done. She even urged her followers to 'hit her up' if they wanted advice on how to look fabulous.

The reaction was however harsh as a section of people took a swipe at the end result. See the reactions below:
That makeup is a NO NO NO NO with your age mum: babuendereali:
Huyu na hii makeup atafukuzwa binguni: Rozan_mulama
Honestly that make up not good: dafronflora
Not that baad but mum pls try: lee_ada5_
Not the best..but not too bad: gwanjah
Can you try anti-aging creams to perfect your skin?: salma_pushanti
Ooh this makeup ain't good yet you are team Arimis hebu stick to your lanes sijataja mtu: shazz.myne
Face painting: gianna_purity
just tell her the truth, it's only the truth can set someone free.. the duracout is a flop:  ken_mwiti@brendahmary
Also whenever you're stuck remember God will always "makeup" a way! 
Your eyebrows ain't matching: wambuimumirah
Your make up artist has failed you, and it's not the first time...Ruth this is wrong..... :  joyceogada

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