Kenyans are baying for the blood of rogue tout/ makanga Felix
Mwingirwa’s blood after he assaulted a passenger for refusing to board
‘his’ matatu.

According to a story that has gone viral,
Felix Mwingirwa, a staff at UNIQUE Shuttle Sacco at Tearoom, Nairobi,
persuaded the passenger to board his matatu but he opted to get another one
angering the rogue makanga.

Felix who is said to be an untouchable tout at the downtown
terminus, beat the passenger leaving him for dead and Kenyans are demanding for
justice for the passenger.
Toughest city cop Hessy wa Dandora has come out to warn
Felix Mwingirwa and other ill-mannered touts who assault passengers.
“He’s Behind The
Bars. This Guy Is A Threat To Human Life: The Guy Has Three(3)
Similar Cases Pending In Court. In My View, Such Elements Should Be Denied Some
Rights, Like A Right To Be Bonded. But Since The Law Speaks Louder Than Our
Words, We Will Have To Respect It. Lakini Watu Wa#Tearoom Stage,
Wajue Hatutaruhusu Huyu Jamaa Kufanya Kazi Hapo Tena! We Cant Entertain Such
Elements In Our Society!!” He Posted On Facebook.
Hessy’s sentiments have been echoed by many and here are
some of the comments from social media
Martin Ndigùitha
Wakibe: Looks can be deceiving
Bhazhenga Demwas: Ungeacha
arudi kisha 2mnyemelee apatane na team building
Mark Eseme Simon: #Hessy
hapo umeongea point kama kuna pub hapo karibu na ww itisha chupa mbili kwa Bill
Maina Ireri Ericko: He
should have been shot at city square for a public auction…..i hate men feeling
superior as if they have four balls while others have two

Geoff Ben: Na
iwe funzo kwa wale wanaowania kufanya hivo plus those at Machakos country bus
Rachel Njoki: Huyu
angepeanwa kwa raia apewe dawa yake. If you treat people like animals, you
deserve the same treatment.
Sir-Tafari Bennitez: Perfect
job Hesy. This guy nimeona cry out sana social media about how he is
untouchable en I thought untouchable na uko area wee ndio Panadol ya
ma-untouchable…but what this guy did ndani haingemfaa…6ft under that’s where
anabelong how dare you do such to an innocent Kenyan… utajua hujui wewe “Hesy
all eyes on you”
Here are more photos of Felix Mwingirwa, the tout from hell.
Go through: