Jesus said that a prophet is not accepted in his home but
there is some exception to this rule. A self-proclaimed prophet called Nabii Yohana
(V) from Nandolia village, Bukembe West Ward Kanduyi Constituency is very well
accepted and appreciated in his hometown.
This is what you call an intense appetite. Even ufisi does
not explain it! Mark, you the prophet has already lost 3 wives. so he would be
on 42 at the moment! At last count, he has 39 wives, 103 children and 232
grandchildren. Manze, he says he isn’t done yet:
“God chooses these wives for me. I have never dated any of
them but God brings them to me. And according to God’s word, I’m supposed to
marry up to 48 wives so that I don’t commit adultery.”
Meet Ronald Nakalila Wanyama or we will call him “Father
Abraham” He has 5 homes with Six of his wives live in Soi, Lugari Sub
County, five in Kimilili, five in Chereng’any, 16 in Kakamega town and four are
in Kitale town. The man is a strict vegetarian.
He says that he is the reincarnated John the Baptist and
that he will die and be resurrected to live for another 2700 years. His mission
is to save mankind from corruption, homosexuality, and governance. And what
would you expect from the modern day prophet to get his teachings from?
He has revised the current Bible to suit his views of
course. He said:
“My Bible Will Be Unveiled On April
23 At My Muungano Church Of Holy Spirit For All Nations At Nandolia Village In
He has written 93 books: 48 books from Old Testament. He has
a huge following in Bungoma, Uasin Gishu, Nandi and Kisumu County says
churches in Kenya have until April this year to migrate. He also wants the
government to change the currency to hi which is called mzawadi. Hehehe!
He also apparently raises people from the dead. He said:
“I Bring Back The Dead By Jumping
Over Them Three Times.”
There you have it people. Modern day John the Baptist
live in Bungoma.