The CS is tussling over a 16- acre property with
a family of a former Member of County Assembly (MCA) Amos Korir.
The dispute between the two groups intensified on February
12, when senior resident magistrate, Kesse Cherono, issued orders for
the land to be surveyed and fenced a directive which was resisted by the
MCA's family claiming ownership.
Moments after Karoney's swearing-in on Friday,
Mosoriot OCS, Nicholas Pera, led a group of officers to effect the
court order, a move which was largely condemned by the family.
The family got the support of the villagers who noted that
the right thing to do was to wait for the final ruling on the case.
The property is registered as Nandi/Kamoiywo, and Karoney
has the documents to prove that she bought it in 2017 from one Linus Kogo.
After buying the land, she moved to court seeking to take
ownership, a move that was challenged by Korir's family in court.
The farm was originally owned by the late Maria
Chelagat, who is said to have sold a section of the land to the MCA's
"Our family has lived here for so many years without
any dispute. Karoney may have been duped into buying the land without getting
proper facts.
"All we want is justice. We respect court orders but we
must be heard because all the villagers know the land belongs to our
family," he stated.Eventually, the police guarded the land as surveyors
demarcated it following an agreement between the parties.