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23 Feb 2018

Police Say Nairobi Tout Who Attacked Passenger Is Untouchable

Felix Mwingirwa, a tout who allegedly attacked and injured a passenger has not been arrested weeks after the public called for his apprehension and prosecution.

This is despite promises by Kenya Police to track and arrest him and reassurance that Nairobi Central Police Station had been tasked with the case and will bring him to book.

“We have not arrested him yet but we are still tracking him. In any case, the victim has not reported the matter to any police station” Central OCPD Robinson Thuku said.

The Nairobian has learnt that Mwingirwa, also known as Msanii, is highly connected, which is why no officers seem to be willing to arrest him.

How was the victim expected to report yet he was left to die, did he even have energy to walk to any police station? That guy is connected,” he said.

The officer added that “the public was told the guy has three assault cases in court. Why hasn’t he been prosecuted since then? Is it hard to trace a man whose records are with police including fingerprints?”

Mwingirwa, according to touts along the Meru bus terminus near Tearoom, just long Accra Road, attacked the unidentified passenger after he refused to board a matatu on January 30, leaving him in critical condition.

"We were happy when he was finally exposed. He has been harassing and even beating drivers around here and it seems the police fear him. Some officers are very close friend with him" a tout at the Meru terminus told The Nairobian.

Pictures of a bleeding man lying unconscious next to a matatu captures the brutal beating the passenger received.

Mwingirwa is man of many faces and lives large- if what he has been posting on his timeline is anything to go by.

Bu one posting that left Kenyans scratching their heads is a picture of him at State House.

When not in well-pressed costly suits, he dons designer casual with pricey watches, chains and glasses. He drives elegant vehicles despite operating at Meru terminus as tout.

This Article Was First Posted By sde.co.ke

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