Professor Githu Muigai is a soft spoken man who is also a strict adherent to the rule of law. Even when the system demands that he bends it, Githu will pretend to play to the whims of the system but he is one of the strongest believers in the government obeying the law.
While many have assumed that Githu Muigai is a Kikuyu, the immediate former AG is a Luhya man in deeds and character. He was born out of a relationship between his mother and former COTU boss Clement Kalani Lumbembe.
While the former Assistant Minister didn’t marry Githu’s mother, the 57 year old lawyer has maintained a strong link with his Luhya kin.
The late Clement Lubembe was a former COTU boss who also later became an MP and Assistant Minister. He succeeded Tom Mboya as the Secretary General of COTU. He died in March 1997 and AG Githu Muigai actively participated with his other siblings in ensuring that his father got a deserved send-off.

It is also rumoured that former AG Amos Wako actively pushed for Githu Muigai to be the AG knowing his true background.
The link to Luhya has made it hard for AG Githu Muigai to crack the closely knit Kikuyu power echelons. While the AG is among the most powerful individuals in the country, Kikuyu power barons have blocked every attempt of the AG to join the top echelons of ethnic power brokers who regularly meet at Muthaiga and Karen Clubs.
Despite being the Attorney General, Prof. Githu Muigai found it hard to even get something as simple as Karen Country Club membership until recently. That’s because key power barons within the Kikuyu community still considers him and outsider.
During the grand coalition government, Githu Muigai was uncomfortably close to former Prime Minister Raila Odinga. In fact, it was Githu Muigai who helped Raila get hold of the Kibera land documents and know the slum barons who were actively blocking his attempts to have the slum upgraded.
Raila realised that while the residency of the slums is dominated by Luos, Luhyas and Nubians, the real owners of the mabati structures is dominated by Kikuyu businessmen led by now Kiambu governor Ferdinand Waititu who will do anything to block the upgrade of the slum.
Prof. Githu Muigai has been unpopular with NASA supporters recently when he has been insisting on Raila recognising Uhuru as President or being charged with treason for swearing himself as President.
The now former AG has maintained a close relationship with his other siblings and family members including Arthur (works at KU) and Emmanuel Lubembe (Deloitte).
Prof. Githu Muigai played a key part in ensuring that Uhuru retained his Presidency. He had frequent contacts with the judges and played a huge role in the defence of UhuRuto in the two Supreme Court cases.
While others in State House believe that the AG and Solicitor General let President Uhuru be embarrassed by the Chief Justice and his deputy, others are of the opinion that the AG is the Chief Justice in waiting as Uhuru delivers his promise to tame the Judiciary.