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13 Feb 2018

Raila Swearing-In Was Illegal And We Expected Him To Be Arrested - Kalonzo Musyoka

Wiper party leader and National Super Alliance (NASA) deputy Principal. Kalonzo Musyoka on Tuesday, February 13, confirmed that the controversial swearing-in of Raila Odinga was illegal.

Kalonzo said that the opposition leaders knew from the onset that the oath taking, which he is also yet to take was a violation of the law and were expecting Raila to be arrested.

“Raila knew that it (swearing-in) is against the constitution, that is the truth of the matter… We agreed that if we are oathed, which is against the Constitution, we will accept the consequences,” said Kalonzo.

A report by Citizen TV indicates that, Kalonzo was speaking in Machakos where he revealed that NASA leaders agreed to have Raila ‘sworn-in alone so that in case he is arrested, they would lead a legal onslaught in his defence. “Before the Machakos County Assembly forum, we met with Raila at Panafric Hotel and he told us ‘once I take the oath I know they’ll arrest me and you guys should come and get me out.’" he said.

He however noted that the government could not arrest the NASA chief because they knew it would cause a political crisis and mayhem in the country. "But the government could not arrest Raila because they know it could cause a political crisis,” he added.

Kalonzo's statement came at the backdrop of claims that he will be taking his controversial oath of office on Tuesday, February 28. Claims he has since dismissed claiming the co-principals were still brainstorming on the controversial swearing-in. In apparent doublespeak, Kalonzo, who recently asserted he is ready to be sworn in said holding a mock oathing ceremony is not a light matter and it requires proper legal consultation.

An earlier reports indicated that Wiper Deputy Party leader Farah Mallim had refuted the claims that Kalonzo Musyoka would be sworn in as the People’s deputy President as earlier anticipated.

Kalonzo's statement appeared to be confirming sentiments by political analyst and commentator, Mutahi Nguyi that Raila Odinga’s scheme was to have the government arrest him after he was sworn-in Mutahi claimed that failure to arrest Raila by the government in the wake of his mock swearing-in as the People's President has left him utterly confused. According to Ngunyi, Raila’s scheme was to ride on the uproar that would have followed his arrest.

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