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7 Mar 2018

Best Mobile Phones To Buy Below Ksh 5,000

Best Mobile Phones To Buy Below Ksh 5,000

Mobile phones are becoming a must have as days go buy. As many brands continue getting i the market and at cheaper prices, we look at 10 cheapest yet useful mobile phones you can get for less than 5,000. Best Mobile Phones To Buy Below Ksh 5,000

Please, only buy legit phones from legit dealers. Don’t buy phones from the streets. Most of them are being tracked since they were stolen and can get you in trouble. Have your financial security, buy legit.

Best Mobile Phones To Buy Below Ksh 5,000

Tecno W1

Lenovo A1000

VSUN Smart

Xtigi UP Plus

Bundy Access 5 Plus

innjoo Halo 6

Samsung Z2

Itel 1408

Xtigi V3

Tchip Moblog M501

Kindly visit the original dealers to get these phones

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