A worrying tale of former Budalangi Mp Ababu Namwamba’s sexual appetite has left Kenyans shocked. The story that was first published by the Nairobian has made Kenyans ponder on the mental and health state of the controversial former MP whose sexual and relationship life has been on the limelight for the longest time.
Sleeping With Uncles Wife
Ababu Namwamba according to the Nairobian slept with Johnny Namwamba’s wife while he was still in high school. Johny Namwamba then after realizing what had happened chased his wife Margret after they tried settling the issue at the family level. Although Ababus affair with her Aunt started while he was in high school, family members knew about it when the latter was in the University.
Did Ababu Namwamba Really Sleep With His Watchman’s Daughter And Also Impregnate His Uncle Wife Truth Revealed
The Nairobian also claims Margret gave birth to a bouncing baby girl after they broke up with Johnny Namwamba. Word Is That The baby could have belonged to Ababu.
Impregnate watchman’s Daughter
Father Olusi, A close member to Ababu’s family also claims Ababu had a share of his Watchman’s daughter. The story was also resolved at the family level and the watchman well sorted out. The girl had been promised to live lavish and fell for Ababu’s trap.
Trying to Sleep With His Nieces
Ababu’s Cousins have warned their daughters to stay away from their Uncle. No one wants to talk about Babu’s Immorality they say. But it’s time people knew who Ababu really is. They added.