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28 Mar 2018

Places To Get A White Guy In Kenya

Places To Get A White Guy In Coast

Ever wanted to go to the coast to hunt down some white guy? Well Most of us have. It’s not bad being lazy and wanting the fast life so easy. Most of our women think having a white guy is the end of the miseries in their lives. As much as most of it sounds true, the latter can also be false. More money more problems they say.

Places To Get A White Guy In Coast

In the early 90’s, the whites who flocked our Kenyan coastlines were rich, educated and wanted adventure. That is no longer the same anymore. Things have changed. The whites we see coming to Kenya have hidden agendas and have decided to misuse our young girls and boys.

In the year 2015, a group of Italian men with a group of Kenyan boys were arraigned in court after they were caught indulging in some weird acts. That is just one of the known cases  among many. The need to live lavish but without sweating has made our young generation very vulnerable.

Places To Get A White Guy In Coast
If you are however interested in meeting a white guy, we will not deny you the opportunity. There are places along the coast that we have a few good ones still left. However, If you fall in the wrong hands we are not to blame.

Here are some of the places you will might a white guy that may be a blessing in your miserable life.

  • Diani
  • Malindi
  • Wasini
  • Shimoni
  • Lamu
  • Nyali
  • Mtwapa
  • Chale
  • Kilifi
  • Shimba Hills
  • These are some of the places white men frequently visit. Try your luck

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