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14 Mar 2018

This Is What Top Kalenjin Artists Charges To Perform In An Event

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Do you have a wedding, a show or any other function and want to bring a renowned Kalenjin artist to attend/perform?

Then worry no more, you are here and the good thing is that you can afford and make your day lively and worth to be remembered for ages to come.

Top Kalenjin star musicians are never charging much, maybe for the reasons they understand best to themselves.

Here is a list of how much the artists charge for performance fees.

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Kos Mavoko is a professionally known Kenyan musician,kale bongo song writer
and performer

This list is subject to changes as you know Kenyans too as always would like to bargain till the last coin deemed possible.

Kos Mavoko-  Sh100,000

Mike Rotich ( Sweetstar) -  Sh50,000

Naswa Melodies - Sh30,000

Ben Bii - Sh25,000

Kapkoma Lady - Sh20,000

2nd Junior Kotestei -  Sh15,000

Kanja Beibi - Sh10,000O

Lessos Melodies - Sh10,000

To those with a little bit of more deep pockets, you can consider inviting the country's top artists. They don't charge that much.

Here is what will cost you to host one of  the best in the country;

Bahati - Sh500,000

Willy Paul - Sh250,000

Image result for king kaka

King Kaka - Sh250,000

Timmy T Dat - Sh250,000

Heart the Band - Sh200,000

Avril - Sh150,000

Otile Brown - Sh150,000

DJ Sadiq - Sh150,000

Gabu - Sh100,000

Bruz Newton - Sh100,000

Kush Tracy - Sh70,000

DJ Ruff - Sh70,000

DJ Malaika - Sh40,000

Mercy Masika  -  No fixed charges

So next time you have got an event, you know who to look for depending on your financial muscle.

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