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14 Mar 2018

Uhuru Appoints 5 Family Members to Parastatal Jobs

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President Uhuru Kenyatta has appointed five members of the Nyachae family to top positions in various parastatals.

In a new round of appointments announced on Tuesday, members of former Cabinet Minister Simeon Nyachae's family featured prominently.

Nyachae's daughter Judy Nyachae was appointed to the Export Processing Zone (EPZ) while his son Kenneth Bitange Nyachae was appointed to the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority (KCAA).

Nyachae's niece, Violet Omwamba, was appointed to the Lake Victoria South Water Services Board while his nephew, Samwel Nyanchama, was appointed to the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) Board.

Another of Nyachae's nephews, Christopher Ayienda, was named board member at New Kenya Co-operative Creameries (KCC) Limited.

In February, President Kenyatta nominated former Senatorial aspirant Charles Nyachae, who is Simeon Nyachae's son, to become a Judge at the East African Court of Justice.

Charles Nyachae had previously led the Constitution Implementation Commission (CIC) and later vied for the Kisii Senate seat on a Jubilee ticket but lost.

He would later be nominated to the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) by the ruling party but still lost after the National Assembly elected the representatives.

Uhuru also appointed two brothers who both lost in the 2013 elections. Julius Sunkuli was appointed a member of the Board of the Industrial and Commercial Development Corporation while Andrew Sunkuli will be in the Lake Victoria South Water Services Board

Susan Wakhungu, former Environment CS Judy Wakhungu's sister, was also appointed as Executive chairperson of the Kenya Year Book editorial board.

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