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14 Mar 2018

Having These Diseases Could Deny You Driving Licence

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The Government’s agency in charge of transport has released a list of possible health conditions that could deny drivers licences to operate on Kenyan roads.

In the new driving curriculum rolled out by the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA), the agency recommended mandatory medical tests for epilepsy, high blood pressure, sight and hearing problems for all drivers.

NTSA Deputy Director in charge of safety, Duncan Kibogong, affirmed that some conditions will lead to automatic disqualification.

“For epilepsy, it is a no. The fact is, no one, including the driver, has any idea when the seizures can occur,” Dr Kibogong stated.

The agency also maintained that drivers will be expected to renew their licences every 10 years, and only after submitting a medical report.

Additionally, motorists above 60 years will be expected to submit a medical report every year.

According to the new curriculum, eye conditions lead a long list of mandatory medical tests for new drivers as well as old ones seeking licence renewals.

The medical tests will also include a range of brain-related conditions and diseases that disable mobility and muscle movement such as stroke.

The tests will also look out for a driver's susceptibility to non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and stroke.

Kibogong also stated that NTSA would work closely with the Ministry of Health to ensure that only those who were fit were allowed on the road.

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