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3 Apr 2018

Sexy Reverend Natasha Explains Why She’s Been Single And Will Remain Single For Long

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Reverend Lucy Natasha is one religious lady any man would want to be in a relationship with. But, despite her good looks and solid clean background, the smoking hot lady is very much single — and not interested in a partner.

Why you may ask?

Because men can be tricky animals and you should always play safe. In her new book, Natasha gives relationship advice –ignoring the fact that she has been single for ages– sharing the type of women ladies should go for.

“The first kind of a man you don’t want to marry is a Solomon kind of a man. Because that man will flirt with you, will flirt with your sister, cousin, your neighbour, your grandmother, there is no boundaries. So the Solomon kind of a man is a dangerous man,” she said in an interview while promoting her book.

Lucy Natasha

“The second type of a man is the unbeliever man. Remember we are told by Paul, he admonished us not to be equally yoked with unbelievers, so I have never met and still yet to meet a Christian woman that married an unbeliever man that did not regret it later in life, Amos greatly said that two cannot work together unless they are agreed.  Even if the man is tall dark and handsome, this days ladies study that TDH, if he is not born again he is not right for you. Scratch him of the list.

“The third is the mama’s boy.If you marry this kind of a man, there is nothing wrong with loving your mum and being close to your mother definitely because she is the first woman in your life, but the mama’s boy you will always come second. Momma will always come first.” Said Natasha.

She went on on the type of woman men should avoid:

“The Sapphira woman; Sapphira was simply the woman married to Ananias. A Sapphira woman is your partner in crime. She knows how to cover up evil, she knows how to encourage carnality, she will help you destroy yourself and you know if you are married to someone you need a woman that will keep you from destroying yourself. A Sapphira woman is simply your partner in crime if you are watching me and you are a single man run From Sapphira.

“The second woman you should not marry is the gold-digger. The gold digger is simply a woman in our generation who are not looking for love, they are looking for help.” She added.

“I am giving relationship advice to those that are planning to get married and I am still single, you need to understand that even in a football match coaches don’t play… I don’t need the experience, I don’t need to have gone into marriage and fail to be able to advice somebody,” explained Natasha.

On whether her tips will make you die single:

“No I believe there is somebody for everyone, nobody is perfect, I am not writing this book to explain that there is a perfect man or a perfect woman… I am not single because I have been check listing and all that, it is because also of the appointed time and also getting married to the right person, it is better to wait long than to marry wrong,” reiterated Natasha.

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