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26 Apr 2018

The Only 3 Women Raila Recognised During His Speech At The Devolution Conference

The Only 3 women Raila recognised during his speech at the Devolution Conference

National Super Alliance (NASA) leader Raila Odinga on Wednesday delivered his keynote speech at the 5 Annual Devolution conference held in Kakamega, where he singled out three women powerful from the crowd.

Mr. Odinga started his speech by recognizing the first three female Governors – Kitui’s Charity Ngilu, Anne Waiguru (Kirinyaga) and Joyce Laboso (Bomet) who were at the conference.
playNASA leader Raila Odinga (centre) welcomed at the 5th Annual Devolution conference in Kakamega by Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru (on his right), Turkana Governor Josphat Nanok (on his left). Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho (far left) and Marsabit Governor Mohamud Mohamed Ali (far right) (Twitter)

The former Prime Minister congratulated the three for competing against men to get the top position in their respective counties.
"In the last five years, this gathering was a men-only affair. Today we have three female governors. I recognize and welcome the madam governors to this club" he said.
The Opposition leader went ahead to encourage more women to vie for top political seats in a bid to bridge the gender gap.
“It is my hope that after the next elections, we will have at least ten female governors. Devolution must bridge the gender gap in the country’s leadership,” he said.

Ngilu, Waiguru, and Laboso made history after the August 8 General Election in 2017 when they were elected as the first female Governors.
playKitui Governor Charity Ngilu (left), Kirinyaga's Anne Waiguru and Bomet Governor Joyce Laboso (right) (SDE)

The three were elected at a time when Kenya is still grappling to implement the two-thirds gender rule stipulated in the 2010 Constitution.
The law requires that women hold at least one-third of the seats in parliament and one-third of appointed state positions. It also set aside 47 special parliamentary seats for women.
Last year, President Uhuru Kenyatta directed MPs to pass the two-thirds gender rule, under the Constitution of Kenya (Amendment) Bill 2015 for its implementation.

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