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10 May 2018

Governor Waititu Fires Water CEC For Being ‘Addicted To Facebook’

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Kiambu Governor, Ferdinand Waititu has sacked the county’s Water, Environment and Natural Resources CEC John Mugwe who he says is a ‘Facebook addict.’

Waititu had in April directed that the sacked CEC goes on leave for 30 working days because he failed to discharge his mandate as is required. Waititu is said to have accused Mugwe of taking too many pictures and posting them on Facebook.

“I have observed that you are neither keen on delivering on your responsibilities nor making service delivery to the people of Kiambu; your immediate focus,” a letter dated 8 May reads.

The dismissal letter also further states that the CEC is ‘not a good team player hence affecting the overall performance of your responsibilities and that of the county government as a whole.’

“Therefore, within the powers set out in Section 31(a) of the County Government Act, 2012, I hereby relieve you of your responsibilities as a CEC and from any other portfolio which you may be holding.”

kiambu, waititu

The governor has ordered the former Roads, Transport and Public Works CEC to ‘hand over all county assets in his possession and prepare a handover report to be submitted to the county secretary.’

Agriculture CEC Dr Jeremiah Nyori also resigned after what was described as frustration by senior county government officials.

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