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11 May 2018

Nairobi Restaurant Shutdown For Selling Human Meat.

 Image result for butchery

A restaurant in Eastleigh area, Nairobi has been closed down after its activities of selling human flesh came to the knowledge of local leaders. Police were informed about the restaurant’s activities by local leaders and residents, where they rushed to the scene and were shocked to see two human heads; still fresh, oozing blood.

The blood was being drained into a polythene bag, perhaps going to be served as a different delicacy. The police arrested six women and four men in connection with the crime.

At the time of arrest, they managed to recover an AK-47 rife while other weapons including sets of grenades, and several mobile phones.

“Every time I went to the market, I observed strange activities going on in the hotel. People who were never cleanly dressed and who looked a bit strange made their way in and out of the hotel, making me very suspicious of their activities. I am not surprised at the shocking revelation,” said one of the residents.

A local priest was taken aback by the revelations and couldn’t come into terms with having consumed human flesh. He reported to the police how he unknowingly ate human meat.

“I had gone to the restaurant early in the morning for breakfast. I finished my meal and was served with the bill, only to be shocked by the kshs.1000 charged.

The attendant noticed my reaction and told me it was the small piece of meat I had eaten that made the bill scale that high. I did not know I had been served with human meat, and that it was that expensive,”he said.

Last week, Australian chef Marcus Volke murdered and cooked his girlfriend before killing himself. In Brazil, also last week, a man and two women were arrested for murdering potential nannies and then cooking their flesh into empanadas.

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